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Stone Soup

    1 stone, big enough that it won’t get lost in the soup (quartz is a good choice because it won’t breakdown in cooking)

    1 tbsp. butter or vegetable oil

    1 medium onion, chopped

    2 celery stalks, trimmed and chopped fine

    1 large carrot, cut into coins

    3 medium red-skinned potatoes (unpeeled, and cut into halves)

    1/2 sweet red pepper, chopped

    1 large garlic clove, pressed

    6 cups chicken broth (or a combination of broth and water)

    1 medium zucchini, diced large

    1 medium yellow squash, diced large

    1/2 cup corn kernels, fresh or frozen

    2 cups cooked tubettini or ditalini, or other soup pasta (optional)

    Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Grated Parmesan cheese



    1. The first step is for your child to scrub and wash the stone thoroughly. Then, for an extra cleaning, she can drop it in a pot of water to boil while you prepare the rest of the soup together.


    2. In another large pot, melt the butter or heat the oil, then saut

Candied Sweet Potatoes

Candied Sweet potatoes


  • Butter or Olive Oil
  • Cheese to taste
  • 1 or 2 Tortilla

Italian Delight

Italian Delight

Deluxe Chicken Casserole

Deluxe Chicken Casserole



London Broil

London Broil with Grilled onions

Mom Phipps Baked Beans

Mom Phipps Baked Beans

1 Large and 1 med. can B&M Baked Beans
1 Tbsp. Dry Mustard

Fried Rice

Fried Rice

Chicken Sumi Salad